- FS17
- 13
- 03.2017
- 18:07
FS17 Winery
FS17 Winery
Hello LS community,
I hereby introduce you to the winery.
A big heartfelt thanks to Wingi who helped me with advice.
The winery is only in combination with the vineyard, see here:
So to the winery now:
1: You need a large flat field (bought) to build the winery
2: You fill up water at the respective trigger and dump the grapes in the hall (entry 1 or 2).
3: The wine barrels can be stored / stacked and sold. Small barrels where hand-carried, can be sold at every sales-market where soybeans have been sold.
The big ones on Pallette can be sold where also the sunflowers are sold at the current price.
MOMENTAN NOCH BETA, is still beautified, only so you can make wine.
So to the vineyard now:
1: You need a large flat field (bought) to be able to build the mountain. For the mountain costs nothing so you can put it clever and place can, the maintenance of the bisle adapted. Would not read a whine, goes net etc ..
2: You fill dung, fertilizer and water on the respective triggers.
3: You can harvest with each trailer, which I would rather recommend a small to use. You can go between the vines when their R charging manually presses, with the automatic jerks it still, you test yourself.
4: The grapes can be stored (tipped down) as well as sold in every shop where wheat has. To the current wheat price.
Log free, dedi tested
So now I wish you much fun
Kind regards Susi
Idee / Konzept: susi
Tester: susi,wingi
Modobjekte: Farmer Andy
Script: mahru/kevin98
Von: BlackSheep(RC-Devil)
Sparkie: Acrylglas
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