- FS17
- 06
- 03.2017
- 20:32
FS17 Emsland-Karte
FS17 Emsland-Karte
[36x fields | Field emissions Biogas plant]
In this map, of course, a distinct agriculture is possible. In total there are 36 fields. All shapes and sizes are represented. Fields that are not in your possession are dynamically simulated. You can only buy fields from other farmers.
After a successful harvest, you can either deposit your yield on the farm, sell it profitable or manage the local biogas plant. The latter, of course, also brings neat counts!
[5x forests Sawmill | Realism]
In addition to agriculture, forestry is also possible. Each tree on the map can be felled and edited. There are a total of 5 large forests with comfortable forest paths to reach even with heavy equipment through the dense forests.
In the forests are mostly two coniferous tree species. As a result, the forests are extremely dense and not monotonous.
[Cows | Swine Chicken]
All animals are located directly at the farm. Pigs have a spacious spout with a small barn. The cows come in a spacious, walk-in stable with pasture. Chickens are located in a small, also walkable stable, directly at the house again.
In the immediate vicinity of the farm is the animal dealer. There the four-legged can either be picked up and taken out, or brought to the farm at the expense of the dealer.
The yard:
[Driving silos Animated Halls lots of space]
The courtyard is very large and modern. There are, besides cow and pigsty, four large halls on it. Three of them have animated gates, which can be opened or closed via the mosaic keys. Three small keil silos for storing crops are installed in a hall.
Two other large silos are also on the farm. They can be covered. If you like realism, you can borrow car tires from the biogas plant to complain about the silo.
Even more…
[Biogasanlge | Village | Attractions]
This card offers much more! For example, a large and modern biogas plant is waiting for you to be farmed! There is also a small village with a fun basketball court and other sales outlets.
Projekt von: Ems-Agrar
Entwickler: Incourse | Jammerlappen
Tester: Donkeyroller | Benky Wenky | Erik L. | Lukas S.
rein garnichts mit dem emsland zutun
du hast gar keine ahnung und überall grosse fresse
Mehr Plan als du kleine Leuchte
ich habe versucht die Map zu spielen, allerdings lassen sich die Tore nicht öffnen. Ich sehe auch nichts davon im Tooltip. Die Tastaturbelegung ist Standard und ich konnte auch nichts im Menü finden um Tore zu öffnen.
Was mache ich falsch?