- FS22
- 25
- 04.2022
- 12:58
FS22 Air Horse Connect Sound Script v1.0.1.1
FS22 Air Horse Connect Sound Script v1.0.1.1
This global script adds sounds for connecting and disconnecting compressed air hoses to the game.
If the compressed air hoses of a trailer are connected to a tractor, a hissing sound is heard and you can hear the compressed air flowing into the trailer.
When removing the compressed air hoses, you can also hear a hissing sound.
If a trailer mod has not (yet) installed dynamic hoses, there is no hissing sound.
This also applies to trailers that only have hydraulic hoses, as they are braked using hydraulic pressure instead of air pressure.
In the modDesc, the volume of the coupling and uncoupling hissing sounds can be individually adjusted (see screenshot in the images area).
A big, fat thank you to the Modding World Team for the feedback and for testing!
I wish you a lot of fun with the mod!
Warm greetings
– LUA-Fehler-Fix für LS22 Update (und später).
– Ein Problem mit Anhängern behoben, die selbst erstellte Vehicle-Types nutzen
Version 1.0.1
Conflict in connection with Manual Attach resolved (sound was played twice when coupling).
co to robi ?
Gdy podczepiasz przyczepę to słychać jest jak przepływa powietrze do przyczepy. Przyczepa musi posiadać z (modów) jeżeli masz dynamic hoses
To powinna być podstawa w tej grze nie w modach, wtf
Hier geht es zur MOD Vorstellung Vers. 1.0: