- FS17
- 16
- 01.2017
- 18:41
FS17 Nederland v1.0.0.0 By Mike-Modding
FS17 Nederland v1.0.0.0 By Mike-Modding
Hi All,
Here’s to all the Netherlands map for fs17.
The map is entirely changed but you can see in the map pieces of fs15.
Below is information about the map. Read it for a while.
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Important information you should know about this map:
On the farm have you a straw Attic, sell the unloading bales.
There you can save the loose straw, grass and under the pipe of the silo loading again.
Extra Mod:
Kotte Universal Pack LS17
What’s present in the map:
– Farm
– Machine shop
– two Contractors
– Garden Centre
– Sawmill + Pallet factory
– Horse riding school
– Shell factory
– two sellpoints
– Large potato and sugar beet storage
– Machines for fertilizer, seed, liquidFertilizer
– Camping
– Compostmaster
– Small potato or sugar beet storage
– Cows, sheep that from someone else
– Cats, Dogs
– Mills
– Cows, Sheep, Chickens
– Extra slurry storage. This can be found if you drive under the railway
– Feed mixer
– seasonManager in built
Map: Mike / Mike-Modding.nl
Strasse: by Fatian
Misthaufen: Fendtfan1
Idea, Textures, Edit and all Changes: t2k-lsmodding(thoralf2002, PP);
tech. Objects, Containers by Manuel (LS2011 BGA Baukasten2);
fuelStation LS11:unbekannt; Silos LS11:unbekannt; Hedge LS11:unbekannt; Oeltanks:LS11unbekannt ;
GTX Mods.
Marhu and kevink98 for the Scripte
Fertilizer, Saatgut, liquidFertilizer
SanAndreas, Script: Kevin98 and Marhu
Loods: Reffarmer Modding
Hallen shed: Dutch Agricultural Modelling
Sojamilch Produktion: slowtide63, Marhu: FabrikScript.lua, KevinK98: FabrikScript.lua und AdditionalTriggers.lua
MilchTrigger: kevink98
pallettenwerk: Zero_Ace
CompostMaster 2k17: Farmer_Andy
Wassergrube:permission from Farmer_Andy
Kuhstall: permission from "Chefkoch_LS2011" Antwort Natürlich darfst du das. Credits nicht vergessen, dann passt das wink.png
cu Cheffe
Futtermischerpack: kevink98/Marhu/Kastor
Seed and fertilizer storage: Nils23,Niggels,Kevink98
Saegewerk: kevink98 (Script) fasi (Bretterpaletten) El_Cid (Gebäude) Giants (Palette)
Fermentermodelle: Niggels
Lichtpaket and Lichtschalter und Leuchtmittel: Niggels
Rundballenlager: by Steffen30muc
Strassenschilder Pack: by: Nick98.1
Gebäude: Heini, msheini30
BayWa Technik: by Steffen30muc
halls: Giants easyhalls.com
Horse Trailer: Wolfheart aka Peelo
kleiner Unterstand: by Steffen30muc
BGA-Silo: kingkalle - Team LTW
Driving Silo: Desperados93
7 Large Stones: Giants
Woodchip storage and machinery shed: Katsuo - Agrarteam Franken
seasonManager: Lefthandright
Richtig schöne Map,nur leider keine Kaufbaren Felder
taucht bei mir nicht im mod ordner auf kann mir einer helfen