- FS17
- 26
- 05.2018
- 09:31
FS17 Midtown USA 2017 Seasons Ready Plus v1.2.0.0
FS17 Midtown USA 2017 Seasons Ready Plus v1.2.0.0
My popular Midtown USA for FS 2015 is back, better than ever, for FS 2017…
Now, in this updated version 1.2, even more features have been added:
Midtown USA 2017 now incorporates the all new “dynamic mud” (based on the original mud mod and modified by permission from the original author by reallogger) Without the Seasons Mod active, the mud will be “on” or “off” according to whether or not it is raining… With Seasons Mod active, the mud “comes alive” gradually getting muddier according to ground wetness… a few dry days in a row will “dry out” the muddier areas…
Also, the all new “grazing mod” by reallogger… this mod “scans” the grass in the pasture area to fill the grass troughs automatically… With Seasons, this mod really comes alive, as there is no grass in winter and in early spring, so you need to supplement the animals grass with hay bales… Also care is needed when placing a large number of animals into the pasture, as the grass available in the pasture may not support them if too many animals are in the pasture, just as in real life. Mowing of the pasture grass is disabled to better allow the grazing mod to function as it should…
This map now also incorporates the clip distance FPS mod by Ian898 of Frontier Design… clip triggers are placed in the machine storage buildings around the map to help reduce fps issues from having all your favorite, high detail mods parked in them…
Additionally, the water trough mod is now added to all animal water troughs… so no more worrying about carting a water trailer all over the map to keep the animals happy…
And finally, the bale storage mod is incorporated into the old warehouses in the downtown area… store your bales safely away, without the fps issues that are associated with having large stacks of bales lying about. Check the status of your stored bales on the display boards out front of the warehouses. Also, a bale sell point is now provided at the warehouse sell point…
So now, Welcome to MidTown USA…
a small town surrounded by lush, fertile farmland located in the heartland of the United States. Based on the field layout of the stock 2015 map, the scenery and layout depicts a typical midwestern slice of American farming… with realistic sellpoints, farm silo storage and even limestone gravel roads, and a long, fast moving train.
Large equipment will be needed to fully benefit from the spacious fields… the farm is large, with plenty of storage and everything close at hand. The large BGA depends on you to keep it going… and the village depends on it for their power needs! You have full use of a compost plant, but must supply your own fuel and run the unit… The Garden Center pays a premium price for as much compost as you can bring to them! There is plenty to do in here, so enjoy farming in Midtown USA!
This map has all the default crops, including a field of spruces for forestry, and 2 fields set up with grass which can be fertilized for greater yields.
There are six sellpoints, also the BGA, Bio Plant and Garden Center to sell stuff:
– Flour mill – wheat / maize (corn)
– Train Station Granary – sunflower / rape (canola)
– Warehouse – barley / sunflower / soybean / rape (canola) / bales
– Train Station Sugarbeet Sales – sugarBeet
– Midtown Potato Sales – potatoes
– Midtown Feeds – barley / wheat / soybean / maize (corn)
There is a modern grain system (with an accurate, real world capacity) on the farm to store your produce until a better price comes along.
– fermenting silos at the farm do not need compacting / will empty directly into feed mixer / check status at console next to silo. (2 silos, accepts chaff, grass and dry grass)
– BGA allows tipping with trailers directly into hopper, but you will need to supply your own ramp (any decent placeable will work) / recommend BGA extension mod for more lifelike BGA experience. If using the BGA Extension, it will also accept other fruits such as sugarBeet and potatoes. If no ramp, can dump on the ground at the BGA and shovel into hoppers. If the Platinum DLC is installed, can use a sugarcane trailer to tip directly into the hopper. Additionally, there is a selection of equipment at the BGA which you do not own, but you can use…
– Compost plant is available for free use, accepts most anything, including bales Compost must be shoveled up from heap into trailer for transport to Garden Center sell point… compost can also be spread on fields as fertilizer, same as manure. Composter must be fueled first in order to run.
– water tank at main farm has a water fill trigger for free water.
– Bulk seed and fertilizer silos on the farm are cheaper than the default game triggers (the ones by the bags scenery) and cheaper than buying pallets at the store…
– You can now store your woodChips in the same silo system as the straw and hay on the main farm… retrieve them from the spout on the opposite side of the brown barn…
– Milk sale is stopped on this map… there is a fill trigger at the livestock farm milk tank, use an appropriate milk tanker or truck to carry your milk to the local dairy…
– The fields all must be purchased except 4 which you start out with…
– There is custom traffic on this map, edited for faster speed without tinkering with the game itself and messing up other maps… definitely do not pull out in front of them! Also, several vehicles are parked at various locations (during the work day) and leave at night.
– Chopped straw is built into this map, NO NEED to have the choppedstraw zip in the mod folder as well… in fact, if you do, this could cause conflicts…
– Mud mod is incorporated into this map as well… in this version, it has been upgraded to the all new dynamic mud…
– The map is fully Seasons mod ready, with a custom snowmask and all foliage layers and trees change with the seasons. Additionally, there is a custom GEO built in to this map… NO OTHER GEO MODS should be in the mod folder with this map as this WILL cause conflicts…
– For those with the Kuhn DLC pack, a bonus baler will be available in the starting equipment, for those who have the Big Bud DLC, a seeder… lastly, when the Kotte Universal Pack V is in the folder, you will have a tanker truck in the starting equipment for hauling your milk or fuel…
NOTE: A useful mod pack which will allow the hauling of milk from the farm to the dairy, also carrying fuel from a gas station to the composter is the FS17_kotteUniversalPack.zip (V this is available on marhu.net, as well as several other places…
Disclaimer: this is a highly detailed map, using many different scenery objects and several custom foliage layers to achieve visual realism, and as such will require a strong, high spec PC to run… especially if you have many mods on the farm. The only solution to this issue is to not use any mods and/or turn the settings down. Additionally, to avoid unforeseen issues and conflicts, please have ONLY this map in the mod folder as having multiple maps in the folder will cause issues as the game loads all the scripts from all the maps, including the active one…
This will be the only version of the map, unless someone finds a game breaking bug, shouldn’t since it’s been fully tested. However, any things you don’t like or would like to be improved will have to be for your own private editions.
Happy farming!
Notice: Since this map will end up being uploaded everywhere, no matter my wishes, please at least include the ENTIRE description and CREDITS when you do… by doing this, you show respect for all the hard work of the great many modders whose work goes into maps such as this one.
Map Makers
Map Objects
LS-UK Mod Team
NI Modding
BM Modding
LazyMod Studios
GtX Modding
LoneWolf FD
LSSA Modding Team
Freelance Modding Crew
Sivy and I
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