- FS19
- 07
- 09.2020
- 19:28
FS19 LIZARD Pig Feeding Systems v1.1
FS19 LIZARD Pig Feeding Systems v1.1
LIZARD Modular Pig Feeding System. With this system, the supply of the individual feed components can be individually regulated. The modular design enables the individual
feeding, to set the feeding time, stand in front of the silos. Since pigs are fed via a pipe system, this system can be connected to almost all stables without any problems.
The system is divided into 4 modules:
The main module is for Maiz feeding. It also includes the filling bunker and processing box, where the other silos are connected.
Technical specifications:
Cost: 95,000
Bunker / silo capacity: 400000 L.
Feeding rate: 100000 L.
Maintenance costs: 15 € / day
Dimensions: ca19m x 7m
Raw materials required: Maiz
Module 1 is for grain feeding. Observe the floor marking when placing.
Technical specifications:
Cost: 65,000
Bunker / silo capacity: 400000 L.
Feeding rate: 100000 L.
Maintenance costs: 15 € / day
Dimensions: ca4m x 3m
Raw materials needed: barley, wheat, oat
Module 2 is for protein feeding. Observe the floor marking when placing.
Technical specifications:
Cost: 65,000
Bunker / silo capacity: 400000 L.
Feeding rate: 100000 L.
Maintenance costs: 15 € / day
Dimensions: ca4m x 3m
Raw materials required: soybeans, sunflowers, rapeseed
Module 3 is for feeding the Earth fruit. Observe the floor marking when placing.
Technical specifications:
Cost: 65,000
Bunker / silo capacity: 400000 L.
Feeding rate: 100000 L.
Maintenance costs: 15 € / day
Dimensions: ca4m x 3m
Raw materials required: potatoes, sugarbeets
Complete system, is suitable for complete feeding. Set the composition of the 4 feeding forces in the menu.
Technical specifications:
Cost: € 325,000
Bunker / silo capacity: 400,000 L
Feeding rate: 100000 L
Maintenance costs: 25 € / day
Dimensions: ca19m x 7m
Required raw materials: maize, CCM, barley, wheat, oat, soybeans, sunflowers, rapeseed, potatoes, sugarbeet
Changelog v1.1.0.0
-New complete feed system (mixing ratio of the 4 components can be set in the menu)
-Mais bunker takes CCM and fresh maize (maize + compatible)
-Own shop category (GlobalCompany animals)
LS-Modcompany / D-S_Agrarservice - Kastor / kevink98
da für Seasons noch andere Früchte für schweine möglich sind, diese bitte mit einarbeiten.(z.b. Erdfrucht Karotte) bzw. andere vorhanden Getreidesorten (Roggen, Dinkel..) Danke
hab es für mich gemacht, andere möchten es vielleicht auch,
super mod!!!
Wo gibt es denn die passenden Scweineställe? Danke
da sollte so gut wie jeder funktionieren, einfach daneben hinbauen