- FS19
- 02
- 11.2021
- 13:22
FS19 Hof Talbauer v2.0.0.1
FS19 Hof Talbauer v2.0.0.1
Welcome to the Talbauer farm!
– 1 main farm with storage, cows and chickens
– 10 fields
– 7 meadows
– 2 forest areas
– 6 sales points
– Can be played with the Seasons Mod
Changelog (final version):
– Additional silo for straw / hay / silage
– Farm BGA integrated
– Dog ‘Kalle’ integrated
– Pig stable integrated
– Sheep stable integrated
– Horse stable integrated (Horses produce manure)
– Lime sale point integrated
– Seed and fertilizer sale point integrated
– Animal feed sale point integrated
– Starting machines reduced
– From medium career mode onwards, only grandfather’s Fiat is available
– Various optical adjustments / corrections
– Barn: Sale by loading wagon is now also possible
– Forest areas: Trees can now be felled
Michel and his wife Anna took over his grandfather’s farm. This is nothing new for Michel, as he spent his entire life on the farm. In addition, Michel has successfully completed education as a farmer, which at least on paper certifies his ability … but no education teaches as much as life: By growing up in a cross-generational company, by observing his grandfather’s hands and By imitating his role model, Michel matured into a real farmer at an early stage.
And the professional school? It was good for at least one thing … for the love! Michel met and fell in love with his current wife Anna there … and now the two young farmers run a farm with 10 cows, 5 chickens, 1 rooster, dog ‘Kalle’ und a farm BGA. It is a very well-run business that is constantly being modernized … and plans for the future have already been forged: the business is to be acquired through the acquisition of more land as well as increasing the number of cattle can be enlarged significantly.
In addition to his visions for the future, Michel does not forget his roots either: a 45-year-old Fiat 1300 DT rests in the old parking space behind the courtyard. This tractor was the pride of his grandfather and that’s why Michael decided to repair this tractor and keep it at the farm forever … out of appreciation for the man who taught Michel everything, what he knows today about agriculture and life … and when Michel takes the old Fiat out of the barn and steers it over the long bumpy dirt roads … then he will hear his grandfather’s voice: ‘can you feel it? THAT’S FREEDOM!’
And now it’s up to you, slip into the roles of Anna and Michel and continue the story of the Talbauer farm!
What are you waiting for? Let’s do it!
Von den Bildern her eine mega Map. Aber was hat und kann sie denn alles?
es funktioniert alles super, aber wenn ich das spiel beenden möchte und den button speichern drücke fährt mein rechner fest. bei anderen maps habe ich das problem nicht
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