- LS15
- 30
- 10.2015
- 20:20
LS15 Fliegl Transport Pack
LS15 Fliegl Transport Pack
This is the Fliegl Transport pack consisting of:
MAN 3 axle – 3 Seitenkipper
Scania 3 axle – 3 Seitenkipper
Iveco 3 axles – 3 Seitenkipper
Speedometer and tachometer
Choice of color
Installation / removal of the awning
Wheels highway / off-road
Dust from the wheels
Traces of wheels
Dirt / washable
Tandem Trailer – 3 Seitenkipper
Full trailers – 3-way tipper
Choice of color
Installation / removal of the awning
Wheels highway / off-road
Dust from the wheels
Traces of wheels
Dirt / washable
Farmer_Andy, Ifko(nator), Marhu
Uploaded by Zallamann
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Mod powoduje, że podczas opróżniania maszyny do mieszania paszy (Kuhn SPV Confort 12 – tej orginalnej z gry) gra się zawiesza. Usunięcie moda usuwa usterkę.
The mod causes the game to crash when emptying the Mixer Wagon (Kuhn SPV Confort 12 – the original one from the game). Removing the mod removes the glitch.