- FS17
- 02
- 11.2017
- 19:56
FS17 Cornbelt 16fach v1.0.0.2
FS17 Cornbelt 16fach v1.0.0.2
You make standard cards fast in the lunch break? 4-way cards are worked out at the coffee machine? You’ve always asked yourself, triple frosted Big Bud for what?
For kilometer lovers, fast food players, speedfarmer and hardcore courseplay single players the one possibility to satisfy all cravings satisfy.
We, the D-S-Agrarservice team, present with pride and joy the LS2017 16-fold Cornbelt!
The maid’s belt of the Midwest of the USA.
In the meantime the Grain Belt has changed, there is, of course, also on this lovingly designed and thought-out card not only corn, but also all other fruits and animals, which are represented as standard.
Some may still be known from the end days of the LS15, loved by many, but hated by others, because even 4-fold maps simply do not offer enough kilometers, it has been redesigned and digitally remastered.
After long nights, internal tests, discussions, suggestions and hectoliters of beer, we now offer you the official version of the Cornbelt.
Let us come, for all those who are knowledgeable and descriptive, to furnish the map, and, first, the most important reference. The train is your new best friend!
jurry, Kastor
Special thanks to: Blacky_BPG, el_cid, Farmer_Andy, Joker301069, kevink98, Marhu, Nick98.1, Raptor5, RC-Devil, Robby, weisser, Team Modcompany, SpieleGemeinschaft derKochLP und natürlich meinem Testteam des Deutsch-Schweizer-Agrarservice!
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