- FS19
- 16
- 03.2021
- 11:00
FS19 Rottne DLC
FS19 Rottne DLC
Upgrade your fleet of forestry machinery by two brand-new new and big-sized machines. Made by Swedish manufacturer Rottne Industri, you can now operate the Rottne H21D and Rottne F20D we authentically digitized for Farming Simulator 19. The new wood harvester from Rottne is not only extremely powerful but it’s crane is foldable and allows for compact transport. With the wood forwarder, you’re able to transport an enormous quantity of cargo with the help of a strong and fast crane.
This DLC is compatible with the Windows version (incl. Steam and Epic Games Store) and Mac OS X version (incl. Mac App Store) of Farming Simulator 19 (Update 1.7 or higher).
GIANTS Software
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Für die zwei maschinen doch etwas teuer…
Dann kaufs doch ned wenn dir die 4€ zuviel sind……….
Hauptsache man hat mal rumgeheult…
Niebieski Ponnse
Zu Teuer für 2 Maschinen……….
don’t you think this is some kind of test? Are we still able to pay for something that isn’t there? I think it makes a mockery of the farming community
Tipp von mir kauft euch den Season Pass! Da sind alle DLC’s drin bis hin zum neusten von Rottne. Heute kostet dieser auf Steam 25,49€ und auf Instant Gaming sowieso der gleiche Preis.