- LS15
- 20
- 10.2016
- 12:48
LS15 John Deere 8530 v3 Black Limited
LS15 John Deere 8530 v3 Black Limited
Here is a John_Deere_8530_V3_Eagle355th_Black Limited Edition By Eagle355th
John_Deere_8530_V3_Eagle355th_Black 692 hp Speed 30 mph
Fuel compacity 775 It will use fuel And is Washable!
Price $275,000.00 Has power to Pull and go any where!
Readjusted the speed and the power,steering,and stoping.
I put a John Deere Sound in it, it is loud so watch your ears!
It is powerful and dependable for any Task!
This a John Deere 8530 Limited Edition How I would imagine!
I hope you all enjoy it. Have fun farming!
There will be a Pack I will be uploading later on!
Have Fun Enjoy! There is more to come!
If you do not like the mod after checking it out
then just delete it out of your mods folder.
Unpack open the mods zip folder then copy all into your mods folder.
C:\Users\.\Documents\my games\FarmingSimulator2015\mods.Have fun!!!
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