- FS17
- 13
- 03.2018
- 20:49
FS17 Gemeinde Rade Reloaded
FS17 Gemeinde Rade Reloaded
Welcome to the beautiful Schleswig-Holstein directly on the north-east channel. Here is the newly established Gemeinde Rade, which is equal to a new building.
Your farm is in the middle of the map and the pig farm. You start with a farm that is fully operational.
Thanks a lot:
– Henry from the Simufreunden for the hours of support and the Snowmask!
– Unguided by Outcast Modding for the mega grass texture!
– SirJoki from Agrartechnik Nordeifel for the ingenious Sky!
– PeJay from the Simufreunden, here many thanks for the various adjustments in the Maya, the texture error correction and the pictures!
DeeBuur - LsRealDrivers
Uploaded by DeeBuur
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