- FS25
- 21
- 03.2025
- 16:02
FS25 Szpakowo
FS25 Szpakowo
The map was mapped from real terrain from the central part of Europe. The map has been ported from Farming 22 to 25 with some modifications to make the gameplay more interesting
The map includes:
– New crop textures: oil radish,
– New textures: decoBush, decoFoliage, groundFoliage,
– New plow texture
– Added in construction mode more painted plants and fields
– Added seasonal decorations such as: leaves, snowmen, wet roads when it rains, flooded meadows, Christmas lights on houses, artificial farmers in the field)
– Several new sounds have been added to the map
– New collectibles (100)
– Productions: biogas plant, mill, carpenter, sawmill, spinnery and tailor shop
– 3 farms
– Space to build your own farm
– Diversified terrain
– 3 large grain purchase points
– 5 grazing areas to buy
– Lime station
– Warehouse with possibility of pallet purchase
– Animal trader
– Many forests
– Licence plates for the map region
– 189 fields (including 67 meadows) (ranging from 0.07ha to 9.35ha)
– 254 farmlands available for purchase
– Custom weather effects in different seasons
– Modified traffic vehicles
– Missions: transporting timber, felling dead trees and crushing rocks
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