- FS19
- 02
- 05.2019
- 09:57
FS19 Harvest Pack Multifruit with Grimme RH 24-60 v3
FS19 Harvest Pack Multifruit with Grimme RH 24-60 v3
Here I have for you as complete standard fleet with color selection and expanded fruits.
In addition, there is Grimme RH 24-60 of all fruits in boxes can pack.
Version 1
carrot and onion
Version 2
Carrot, onions, cabbage and red cabbage
Version 3
Carrot, onions, cabbage, red cabbage, lettuce, beetroot and garlic
Hopefully there should be something for every card.
Modell: Gigants
Textur: Gigants
Script: Ifkonator
Idee / Konzept: Becks
Tester: Becks
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