
FS22 T4-40 Multi Harvester Pack

Now with access to new machining technology, the Holmer TerraDos T4-40 is now able to harvest multiple crops thanks to interchangeable adapted headers
– Holmer T4-40 Multi found in Beet Technology
– Price, from:$200,000
– Engine power: 696HP – 2350HP
– Speed 60kph – 200kph
– Capacity configurations of 60 thousand litres, 250 thousand litres or 1million litres
– Colour configurations
– Tyre configurations (all crop safe)

– Headers are 5.4m, with a choice of 9mph,18mph or Unreal
– Header prices are:$10,000, $15,000 and $20,000
– Trailer included, price : $12,000
– Harvest the following
– Beetroots
– Carrots
– Cotton
– Parsnips
– Potatoes
– SugarBeets
– SugarCane
– Each header is found in the relevant store category, with the exception of the carrot and parsnip headers, which can be found in the miscellaneous category

