
LS25 US Flatlands Map 4x v1.2.1.0

Here is a fairly basic US style flat lands map (4X)


  • Added Train and 2 Grain elevators (one is the EU one as I am not a mdoeller)
  • Sped up train slightly due to map size
  • Replaced License Plates for US style
  • Added additional ponds
  • 200 Fields of varying sizes
  • Ideal for field farmers
  • There are selling points and produtction points to get you going

One man show, so I’ve tested as best I can. Unsure why hired helpers don’t do things right, has been ok for me but will keep trying to see why it happens to others. Only implement I have had sinking and not moving is the modded Kinze MultiFruit planter. Will need a new save game due to field alterations for railroad.

