- FS19
- 05
- 10.2021
- 19:13
LS19 PIM-40 Semi
LS19 PIM-40 Semi
The pack includes a PIM-40 SEMI semi-trailer, a trolley and a conventional PIM-40 trailer. They have a choice of colors, designs, wheels. You can choose the volume: 50,000 or 75,000 liters. The price is 9000 euros.
Trailer PIM – 40 (trailer for crushed mass) — is designed to transport silage, hay and haylage. It is aggregated with wheel tractors of class 2,0 — 3,0 TS.
Price: 7400 €
Capacity: 42000l – 28000l
Сolors: Trailer, Ribbon, Rim, Decol
Design: Remove Flap
Added a new colour
Added brake loop
Added open the sides with one button
Minor fixed and improvements
Corrected of dirt and wear
Added wheel
Minor fixed and improvements
FSSA Modding Team
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