
LS22 GMC Vandura Stories 83

GMC Vandura Stories 83
➲ Price: 22000$
➲ Max Speed: 120 KM/H
➲ BulBar Configuration
➲ 7 Types Of Rims
➲ 10 Body Designs:
➣ Body Paint
➣ Body Paint With Decals
➣ 6 Different Body Prints
➲ Body Prints Includes:
➣ A Team
➣ Blue Wings
➣ Burger King
➣ Cannabis
➣ Coca Cola
➣ DeadMau5
➣ Desert Saloon
➣ The Red Dragon
➣ Express Delivery
➣ Fedex
➣ Candy Shop
➣ Ghost Rider
➣ Monster Energy
➣ Monsters Rock
➣ Older Wiser
➣ Pizza Hut
➣ Rockstar
➣ Saints Row
➣ Shark Mouth
➣ Starbucks
➣ The Lost MC
➣ Zombie

➲ Animations:
➣ Front Door
➣ Right/Left Door
➣ Side Door
➣ Back Door

➲ Animated Engine
➲ Dynamic Suspension

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