- LS15
- 29
- 02.2016
- 17:43
LS15 John Deere 7810 Washable Final
LS15 John Deere 7810 Washable Final
-Washable(new dirt skin)
-Indoor sound
-Corrected Ploughing Spec
-New Dynamic Exhausting System
-Twin wheels (outside-key R)
-A few bug fixes from previous version
-Panel IC
-Opening bonnet
-Folding front arm(Panel IC)
-Warning sign on the button-key R
-Work light, turn signals
-FL Console on the button-key 6
-Opening doors,rear window,side windows
-Animated many parts
-And more…
*The pack contains 2 versions JD 7810 tractors and John Deere FrontLoader.
*Please extract the contents of the archive into the folder “mods”.
*Keep original download link.
Missbrauch oder gebrochen downloadlink melden
Test drive this tractor video HD – https://youtu.be/xuU3N9B08r0
Moin! Schöner John Deere 7810 aber folgende Warnung müsste noch gefixt werden. LG
Warning (performance): Texture //JD7810FHFinal_Washable/Trelleborg/trelleborgTM2000_normal.png raw format.
Bitte den JD Frontlader noch waschbar machen. Sonst absolut top!!!! Von mir ne Empfehlung