
LS19 Pack of old IH

Pack contains :

– IH 86 2wd
– IH 86 4 wd
– IH 2350 frontloader
– small chain for side markers
– required scripts for reastic playing ; IC simple & RMT

– Many IC simple animations (doors, back window, back hitch, side markers, sun visor, cab light)
– Shadow cast real lights
– Many configurations (design of the front, additional lights, CB in the cab, motor, engine sound, terminals, front loader, side tanks mount, front weights, side markers)
– Wheels configurations
– Selectable width of the side markers (4m to 8m)
– The small chains are due to be attached to the side markers
– For transport, the side markers can fold and the chains be attached under the front weights


Gaec des Patureau

Hochgeladen von Silver