
LS2013 Neue Obiwansmap

First of all I would want with all Moddern thanking for her number rows Mods, without lasts something so not possibly and I also do not know at all, about whom the objects / houses and halls everybody are.
Now to the Map this is based on the Standartmap 4 courts and approx. 300 ha of field surface of (from 4 to 25 ha) with meadows have, however, one can mow not these change there one then only must shop
One can buy fertilizer in the Billinger, Raiffeisen or Agrarvis there one can also sell the woollen palettes with the exception of in the Raiffeisen him it does not take, besides one can buy every fruit one can also grow in the traders like z.b. Wheat. What I am able to do where selling can provide in addition see on the PDA there always at the courts these are, in addition, with signs what is accepted there.

The water supply of the Tiere:Da it on the map water jumps gives one is able to do there his water carriages befüllen free of charge of course, besides are at every court Wassertrigger what obstructs evidently by taps there a little costs of course.
It is possible for the Dieseltanks:Auf to every court to refuel on the main court even 2 as well as at all sales places everybody are thus put one this in the Courseplayer can integrate
Saatguttrigger:Befinden to itself only at the first both courts (main court / BGA) as well as with the Raiffeisen.
At the beginning of belonging to you a few fields this are already ordered, besides you have contained at the beginning sufficient mods for the start there this also dlc-mods if you this do not have simply once to memories and game anew start this is perfect
The 1st court: There one can store all varieties of grain, besides, the small straw bales HD sell (must be called Strohschwad), e.g., from the Strohmod
there are 2 silos with 960 square metres of capacity, moreover here one finds the cows.

The 2nd court (BGA): Here one is able to do the potato and turnips storage, besides here the halls are also laid out for the quite big machines
Here is also the BGA with 960 square metres of touching silos and a dung camp.
Everything takes the BGA what game in fruits gives, in addition, dung and bale of all kind.
Moreover, there run here the Polloverschweine.

The 3rd court (Brakelmann): Here run the chickens one can sell here bale HD and in the stable the other bales see the signs
in the next version the cattle mast will be installed here in the available buildings

The 4th court (Tönnies): This court owns at the moment only Verkaufstrigger here the pork mast is integrated in the next version in the quite available buildings.

This map is intended, primarily, for the tommy gun, however just as much fun makes in the SP only one thing takes in addition the Courseplay in euern mods folder from the needing to her, otherwise nothing becomes there the ways, nevertheless are a little longer

Support to the Map finds only here:

in this sense Rgds Obiwan

Alle Modder und Scribter wie z.B.
Objekte:Degget,thorne,Timber131,TTM,Stormbringer,JoKerZ ,Ganelcer,-Kolbenfresser-,Fliegi,Padda96,3con/Enercon,
K&S Modding,Obiwan