- FS22
- 15
- 05.2024
- 14:35
LS22 Fortschritt E 514 Pack
LS22 Fortschritt E 514 Pack
Fortschirt E 514
Price: 45,000 €
Power: 115 hp
Speed: 22 km / h
Tank capacity: 3600-4500 l
Header E 565
Price: € 14,000
Working width: 4.2 m
Trailer for the E 565 header
Price: 500 €
Header E 566
Price: 18,750
Working width: 5.7 m
Trailer for the E 566 header
Price: 800 €
FKA-421 maize header
Price: € 15,000
Working width: 3 m
Features mod:
-Removed SimpleIC
-Added Interactive Control
-New design config
-Theels and tures config
-Color body config
-Rims color config
-Body config
-Stickers config
-Cabin config
-Grain tank capacity config
AAA Modding, ingnac_CZ
Hochgeladen von ingnac_CZ
Missbrauch oder gebrochen downloadlink melden
Kolejny prosty kwadratowy konwert z chyba FS 11 lub 13, Dosłownie chyba wszystkie kombajny Fortschritt E514 na LSPortal są tym samym brzydkim modelem.