
LS19 Fendt Favorit 611-615 LSA Pack V1.1

Fendt Favorit 611-615 LSA V1
By virtual.farming2k19 and pics_by_nukudoxx

-Tire selection: (Trelleborg, Michelin, Nokian)
-Motor configuration: (611, 612, 614, 615, 615 chip)
-Color choice for rims and main color
Other configurations:
-Fender configurations
-Weights or front hydraulics,
-Configuration indicator,
-Forst cage
-Air filter configurations
-Exhaust configurations
– all-round lights (left and right)
-Warning boards (lights or reflectors)
-Front loader
-Additional lights
-Fire extinguisher
-Lock wedge
– Warning triangle

The IC Script is also used and supports the following functions:
Doors left + right, rear and front window, skylight, warning signs, rotating lights, window left + right behind the driver, side window left + right, sun visor

Have fun with it


Instagram: pics_by_nukudoxx and virtual.farming2k19
forest cage: Laabertal_Modding

Hochgeladen von virtual.faming2k19