- FS22
- 23
- 11.2021
- 13:38
LS22 DON-1500B v0.1
LS22 DON-1500B v0.1
Don-1500 is a Soviet grain harvester manufactured by the Rostselmash plant. “1500” in the name means the width of the threshing drum.
Modifications: DON-1500, DON-1500A, DON-1500B, Don-1500N (for the non-chernozem zone), Don-1500R (rice-harvesting, caterpillar).
– Speed: 25 km / h;
– Cost: 15,000 €;
– Hopper volume: 6,000 liters;
– Working lighting equipment;
– Leaves traces;
– Gets dirty and washed;
– Includes: header.
FS17: Silver_KHL, FS19: Андрей Орлов FS22: denka007
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