
FS19 TheGreatStump

Hello, with the authorization of MA7 we put in dl the long awaited map by the community, The Great Stump

3 months of work to offer you a map of French style that we hope you enjoy.

Playable solo and in multiplayer (two XML are provided with the map to you to change them, xml multi and xml solo [TheGreatStump \ xml]), 6 farms are at your disposal:

  • Farm 1: Cow, sheep storage cereal cell and flat
  • Farm 2: Pig storage cereal cell and dish
  • Farm 3: BGA
  • Farm 4: ETA
  • Farm 5: CUMA
  • Farm 6: Forestry and Agricultural Company with chip storage

76 Plots and 20 pastures of 0.343 ha at 30.893 ha are cultivable on the map.

We wish you a pleasant hour of games on the map The Great Stump, we remain at your disposal for any problem with the map at the following address: [email protected]
We are currently working on a Mod Season version.


Hotpotato, Nico Du 55, Ma7, Farmall IH

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