- LS2013
- 06
- 10.2013
- 10:44
LS2013 Old Family Farm 2013
LS2013 Old Family Farm 2013
Special thanks goes out to Alan R. (thebadtouch) for putting up with me constantly making changes and adding new features to the map during the testing phase of the map, Also for making sure the fields are Field Status ready.
Map by rwy22sp
Giants for their great base game.
Start Map by FarmerYip
Old time windmill, farmer textures, corn cob pipe, and water tank: KaosKnite
Distant Hills-Pack V1.0: mailman
old farm house: Model: Daniel Vijoi Textures: Daniel Vijoi In Game- gh2010
WoodenRoadsigns: Thunderace
Flags: Giants, texture edit by rwy22sp
Maison03: duarn
Town Buildings: griffy Texture edits by rwy22sp
US Style Concrete Silage Towers,farm houses,static ducks, : sandgroper
Windmill stock tank: hermit23
10 different hedge: spider100 and johan12
Fuel pump: VolvoT22
Railroad (pack): ar1g3, IDW
outhouse: Ingolf
Manure pit: (part of Manuel’s manure pit)
water plane: Luke159 and Sandgroper
Farm buildings and objects: NI Modding
American dairy barn: Axel of Sweden
small power poles: GhillieSniper
milk colection point: firststep
old brick barn: Kolbenfresser
Old Dairy: ZeFir, Konwert, Barsi97
Chicken coop and straw barn: Konwert: Mafia573
Custom help icons: FSM: Bluebaby210 , model eicher , Fiat80 – 90DT and webalizer
Old lights: 3D Model: MrFox, TheAgraama, Textures: MrFox, TheAgraama,Ingame: MrFox
Pig mod, Water mod, and scripting, by Marhu
Multiplayer tested by, modelbuilder47, and rwy22sp.
Beta testers: thebadtouch,ddversatile, modelbuilder47, and rwy22sp.
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