- LS2013
- 08
- 05.2014
- 22:00
LS2013 LS-NextGeneration Map V1
LS2013 LS-NextGeneration Map V1
Hi everyone,
Here is my new map for everyone the LS-NextGeneration Map V1.
A lot of people will recognize the map from farming simulator 2011 only the name whas different; HollandFarm, I have changed the name now to LS-NextGeneration
and i have rebuild the map and changed some areas.
You can see on the photo’s and video’s how i have changed the map and whats new.
So i have spend a lot of time rebuilding the map en changed it for farming simulator 2013. I hope you al like it enjoy!
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lsgeneration
What can you find:
2 biogas areas, you need to buy this
Tankstation Shell
Sheep zone
A shop to sell eggs and wool
Vechicle shop
Horse riding center with functions and chickens. you can find the eggs behind the house.
At the horse center you can also store your fruits.
Second place for storing your fruits and bales
A area for placing greenhouses, on the area there is a water basin and manure stock.
De mest kan je bij de koeien laden en op 3 verschillende plekken lossen. You can load manure at the cows and storage it on 3 different areas,
At the greenhouses, the farm, and by the sheeps so you have manure on different ares.
Required mods;
Water trailer:
Manure mod:
The crops will die!
I would like to thank al the modders for using their objects, buildings, texturen..
Ik hope i do not forget someone in my credits, if i forgot you i am sorry but thanks that i can use it
Helpful Hints
Make sure you have installed the LATEST stable Patch!
Copyright Information
Our maps and Ls-NextGeneration are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
You are free:
To Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work. Only the original web link address can be used, so a link to FS-UK.com must be used, opposed to the work being uploaded to another site.
Under the following conditions:
Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
You are not allowed to edit our maps and reüpload it.
For questions you can contact us.
Original beibehalten Link
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Zachowaj oryginalny link!
Zakaz uploadu na inne serwery!
Map by: Mike
Horse Trailer: Wolfheart aka Peelo
Getreidelagerhalle: Mulde, Klaner
Dünger Kalklager Befüllbar V 1.0: Steffen30muc
Mittlere Maschinenhalle V 1.0: Katsuo
Kleine Maschinenhalle V 1.0: Katsuo
MischStation: Marhu
Pferdestall Mit Wassertrigger V 1.0: PaPa
Spielplatz V 1.0: Mir
Fermenter Für Biogasanlage V 1.0 By NKB-Modding: Konvert: xXMalleXx
Silo V 1.0: Katsuo
Kogellager V 1.0: Steffen30muc
Gehweg: Desperados93
Extra mods:
Script: John Deere 6930
Graphics: John Deere 6930
By Bluebaby210
Daniel Witzel
Water trailer:
Model: Giants
Umbau: Marhu
Manure mod:
Gülle-Mist-Kalk-Mod LS2013 v2.01
von TMT (Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan)
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