LS15 John Deere 8430 FH v3.2
Dynamic Exhausting System Wheel Particle Animated Hydraulic Moveable rear attacher Full lighting Animated fenders Opening doors and rear window
Credits: MF390, Sotillo, VMV Modding, mati7766, roller90, JDFan, OfTheSun
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Dear Administration, This tractor is not in the appropriate category mods. This John Deere tractor should be in categories „John Deere Tractors” not ” Fendt Tractors”, Please Amend it, because it throws the eye :)
Thank you for information, mod has been already moved to appropriate category.
Dear Administration,
This tractor is not in the appropriate category mods.
This John Deere tractor should be in categories „John Deere Tractors” not ” Fendt Tractors”,
Please Amend it, because it throws the eye :)
Thank you for information, mod has been already moved to appropriate category.