
LS15 IFA W50 Absetzer Pack

Three of the truck:
IFA W50 Absetzer blue
IFA W50 Absetzer gray
IFA W50 Absetzer green

– Light
– IC Control
– The door opens, sunroof, glass sink
– Change the wheel
– Installation / removal of the spare tire
– Dust from the wheels
– Traces of wheels

Also three Mulde Container colors such as trucks
Capacity – 10,000 liters
Transported: wheat, rape, maize, barley, chaff, potato, sugarBeet, silage, woodChips, grass, dryGrass_windrow, grass_windrow, barley_windrow, wheat_windrow, manure, forage_mixing. forage, sand, gravel, kies


DeutransPaule, Alali, Farok, modall

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