
LS15 Great Western Farms v2

Great Western Farms is my first map. It is a American Style map based on a farm in Central Kansas and features Chopped Straw, Marhu’s Water Mod, Multifruit, Dirt and Terrain, Damage Mod, Hardpoint, and more! It also contains most of the fun stuff Farmer Andy made including the MixMaster2, the Seedmaster, the Potato Washer and Steamer, Greanhouses, Composting, the BeetMaster2, and so on.

There is beef fatening on the map, the starting vehicles have been upgraded and the starting money is way higher than most maps. You have chickens, cows, and pigs as well.


Models: Giants, Stevie, Farmer Andy, Marhu, GoldFox, and so many more!
Idea / Concept: Chris, L and C Gaming