- LS15
- 31
- 05.2016
- 09:20
LS15 Flawborough Farms V1
LS15 Flawborough Farms V1
Flawborough Farms is a real life farm created for Farming Simulator 15 by WBF & Chris_7710
Taking the Farm location, Road network, Village location and Field positions from google earth and re building them in GIANTS Editor. Some parts of the map are different to the real life location due to personal preferences of myself and Chris_7710.
Flawborough Farms is a large arable farm. We have added 4 grass fields and 4 maize fields along with a BGA for those who would like to do silage.
For the gates to open you must have the map animation trigger in your mods folder, Trigger provided in the map download. We have also added soil mod and chopped straw mod, For these to work you must download the mods below. You don’t have to have them, Its optional. If you would prefer to play with out them then simply don’t download the 2 mods.
Triggers –
● Grain to be stored in the 4 grain sheds at the farm yard, The grain must be removed from the sheds with a loader and bucket when you would like to sell the grain.
● Beet and potato to be stored in the large brick building in the farm yard, Conveyor belts provided for when you would like to sell your beet and potatoes.
● Bales to be sold at the stables, Drop them next to the static bale stack.
● Vehicles to be sold at the dealership, inside the garage.
● All crops and wood to be sold at the sell point in the dealership yard.
● Forestry is not added into the map, But if you wish to do forestry purchase tree saplings from the dealership.
Chopped straw and soil mod –
Map Makers -
Misc Credits -
NI Modding
John Deere 6930
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