
FS22 Case IH 1455 XL Turbo Edit

Price: 96800

– Engine (115hp – 338hp)
– Wheels
– Front attacher (Weight and frontAttacher)
– Rear and front fender (Standart or Wide)
– realGPS compiuter (Needs realGPS mod)
– dashboardLive compiuters (Needs dasbaord live mod)
– Warning signs
– Addtional LED`s
– Front Loader
– Colors (Main color, rims color)

Interactive control mod support

New turbo badge that lights up when engine starts
New Antennas that moves
New glass texture
Ledbar with led light that cast shadow on objects (Addtionaly lights up with CTRL F as highbeams)
Adjusted color of exhaust


Starlexs Flugunfaehig todes MODDING