FS22 Better beacons lights
The modification improves the operation of beacons.
INSTALATION: Extract „EXTRACT TO GAME FOLDER (2)” to the game folder.
DEINSTALATION: Run the Check and Repair game file.
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I extracted it into the Gamefolder but it doesnt work. Did you upload it before Patch came out? Maybe the patch killed it. Same with your Dynamic shadows mod :/
you have to unzip the file and then move it to the ls22 folder
Attempted to use it. Followed the download instrucitions. Donest work anymore. The better beacons lights need an update.
I extracted it into the Gamefolder but it doesnt work. Did you upload it before Patch came out? Maybe the patch killed it. Same with your Dynamic shadows mod :/
you have to unzip the file and then move it to the ls22 folder
Attempted to use it. Followed the download instrucitions. Donest work anymore. The better beacons lights need an update.