
LS2013 Agrarfrost Final Edition v6.2

Map by Tiago Piloneto
BGA and other objects by El Cid
TowerSilo_BSCS_03 and tanks of BGA_By_BernieSCS (from the map OGF FSM AUSTRALIEN MAP).
Sugarbeet, weat, barley, grass windrow modified by Tiago Piloneto.
Estrada horizontal, Estrada vertical by map Nelamanowice_v2, edited by Tiago Piloneto.
Map based on PE2013 map:
Creating the map for ls09 – NewMan Converting the map to ls11 – Pan Prezes 2013 map version by Michael DK aka KillRoya
Map Silo Förderband, Register Animal Fill Types, Map SchweineZucht, and Map WaterMod by Marhu
Rolltor by grafik-edv
Register fruits ?
mats, silage silos, stock sheep wool, water station.: from the map Langburg_v2Created by GE Mapping