- LS15
- 11
- 10.2015
- 14:13
LS15 Bjornelux v3
LS15 Bjornelux v3
-Milk trigger hose connection by mahru (Trailer needed see recommended mods)
-choppedStraw mod
-GuelleMistKalk mod
-Doors openening and Barriers to open
-Automatic light in the cow stable and on the gates of the main sheds.
-Several light switches to be found on the farm to light up your farm during the night.
-pigs, beef and chicken2
-Aldi accepts eggs and UHT milk
-Butcher wich accepts beef pigs and chicken
-Silostorage on the farm of : Slurry , Water, Lime, Seeds, Fertilizer, Diesel,
-Manure/slurry sell at the newly created GardenCenter
-Feedstorage for Grass, Silage and Straw , Balestorage
-LOTS of additional nature.
-Fields joined and less rectangular, more natural.
-Chicken fattening installation
-Beetcutter to produce Mixed Feed
-Washed Pototoes
-UHT milk production
-Soilmod Ready
-PalletCollectors for all production facilitys exept the washed potato
-Camera system build on the farm to monitor your production facilitys
-and much more….
Log is error Free.
Needed mods !! IMPORTANT you ll have to download these mods, or your startvehicles will not be complete; or you’ll miss out on some features.!!
Compostmod : Included
MultifruitMod :
link :http://www.modhoster.com/mods/multifruit–4
StopMilkSale by Mahru
link http://www.marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=147&t=994
Water/Milktrailer By Mahru
link: http://www.marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=1400
DieselZunhammer By Tobiasgo (to fill your tanks on the farm)
Link : http://www.blackpanthergroup.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=436 (link to the mod is in this topic)
GuelleMistKalkMod by Mahru and MnGrazy
link : http://www.marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=141&t=1058
Fliegl Slurry Trailer
link : http://www.farming-simulator.com/mod.php?lang=en&mod_id=432&title=fs2015
AnimationMapTrigger by Vertexdizgn
link ; http://vertexdezign.net/downloads/animationmaptrigger
link : http://www.modhoster.de/mods/universalprocesskit–2
Slurrytransporttrailer (to transport slurry from pigs, beef, chicken , cows… to the slurrystorage or sellpoint at the GardenCenter
link: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/gulle-lager-gulle-transporter
Animaltrailer holds all the animals on the map.
link: http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=1862
Recommended mods:
ChoppedStrawMod By UpsideDown
link: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/choppedstraw–2
AutoCombine By Biedens
link: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/autocombine–2
SiloExtension by UpsideDown
Link : http://www.modhoster.com/mods/fahrsiloextension–2
Multitrailer (to transport seeds, lime, fertilizer from the gardencenter to the farmsilos)
link: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/ros-barntner-xl-uberladewagen
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