
LS19 Renault Master Bétaillère de 2018 vrais

Renault Master Cattle Carrier of 2018
✔️ we can take 4 sheep 4 pigs 2 cows and 2 horses
✔️Color of truck and livestock trailer configurable
✔️price 37400
✔️power 210 for 90kmh
✔️door can be opened with the left click of the mouse
✔️possibility of loaded any strapable object (straw bale pallet estr)
✔️a very big thank you to SimoN35 and to L’eta_Normande for their work just phew

❌ no soiling or wear
❌a single error in my logs does not change the games

thank you again to them for this mods I hope you will like this mods


Quentin Modding