
FS17 Amazone EDX 6000 TC v1.0.0.3

Vehicle Features:

  • Name: Amazone EDX 6000 TC
  • Working Width: 6m
  • Crops: maize, sugar beet, soya beans, sunflower
  • Fuel capacity: 3600l
  • Schaar Number: 8
  • Required tension: 170PS


Conversion Details:

The Sähmaschiene been completely upgraded with the LS17 standards! The following is a list of the individual changes from 15 to 17!

  • Color has been changed to the colors of the Amazone LS17! (Giants may not appear to some at Amazone on a color, which is why we have every LS a new color. Now the color is adjusted to fit with the Amazone fleet)
  • Dynamic lights and indicators have been added! (Lights are now real lights, no fake lights more)
  • Washable! DIRT texture everywhere added (the LS15 he was not washable, now he IHAT a realistic Dirt texture)
  • Particle Effects (See picture, it dusted properly when sows and flying chunks of earth into the air)
  • Mass and wheels have been adjusted (Sähmaschiene hops not and wheels remain on the ground)
  • Textures have been adjusted (Smaller texture errors have been adjusted)
  • Helper AI has been adjusted (The helper AI has been changed in the LS17 and Sähmaschiene was now tuned to the AI)


LS13: Guagi
LS15: Bombastisch
LS17: Bombastisch