
FS19 Ford 2x-3x00 series v3

This is the Ford 2x3x00 pack it includes:

2000 (in European, American, or Utility Configurations)

2600 (in European, American, or Utility Configurations)

3000 (in European, American, or Utility Configurations)

3600 (in European, American, or Utility Configurations)

with options for Shell fenders (with options for Guard, ROPS, and a triangle), Square Fenders (with options for Guard, ROPS, and a triangle), Safety Cab(with options for Guard, and a triangle), or a Q-Cab (with or with out Guard)

and a Front loader Configuration for the Ford I9 loader included in the pack.

I managed to Fix the 3pt so it now works correctly however I could not fix the sliding issue if anyone knows what’s causing it pls contact me.

In addition the Fan, Rain cap, Throttle, and seat are now all animated.


Modmens, Goldenshoes, Tadas, Frycuu, Ni Modding, Others, Patton_M47